The social network Tiktok and its incidence on behavior change
a bibliometric study
TikTok, Behavior, Social network, Bibliometric study, Digital marketingAbstract
TikTok has become one of the most widely used communication channels due to the relevance of its content. The platform’s tools have revolutionized the way people engage in their daily practices. This research aims to analyze the existing literature on TikTok’s incidence on behavior to identify knowledge gaps that could guide future research lines, with a focus on Ecuador and the region. The methodology used consists of a bibliometric study on SCOPUS, which included 891 papers, of which 29 were selected for specific analysis. The results show an incidence of the TikTok social network on user behavior in terms of consumption, political orientation, study strategies, and other decision-making areas. The study concludes that TikTok influences global trends and impacts consumer behavior. Further studies are recommended to explore how the platform affects consumption decisions and local brand perceptions.
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